Well, I've decided to use that same logic on myself today. I'm going to be happy and let go of the little things that bug me ... because I said so!
I read an article this morning on Prevention magazine online called "How You Too Can Be an Optimist" that made some really good points on how to ditch a negative attitude. Basically it boils down to this:
- Do things that make you happy. (Easy enough.)
- Learn to make light of negative situations. (That used to be my strong point! I can get that back!)
- Remember that not everything is your fault. (This is a toughy, but I can work on it.)
- Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.... (I love Dory! Now THERE'S an optimist for you!)
- Hang out with optimistic people. (Positive peer pressure, anyone?)
- Do things to make others feel good. (Always a nice idea!)
It's funny, coming from the pessimist I seem to have become, how simple these six steps seem to be and how much sense each step makes! (They make so much sense to me that I think they'll be the blueprint for my positive attitude makeover! Today #1 and #6 are on my agenda. I'll let you know how that goes!)
The most basic idea that I got from this article though is that sometimes you have to "fake it to make it." Sometimes (like for me ... RIGHT NOW) you just have to tell yourself that you are happy over and over again like it's your mantra.
It's kind of like a basketball player standing on the free throw line when the game is all tied up and there's no time left on the clock. He tells himself, "I can do this. I can do this. I CAN make this shot!" If you tell yourself you can do it, you probably will. A pessimist might question "why would I think I could do that?" or "what if I fail?" while that optimistic player just keeps on whispering, "I can do this! I can do this!" AND HE MAKES THE GAME WINNING SHOT! SCORE!!!
So today I'm going to be a game winner! I'm going to be happy! I won't ask how or why because I already know the answer ...
Because I said so!
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