October 20, 2011

All About Me

My name is Jodi, and I am a housewife. housewife [derogation]
Some people think “housewife” is a derogatory term, but I don’t mind it because that’s what I am – a married woman whose main purpose in life is taking care of my house and all the people, animals, and things that live inside it. My days are spent cooking, cleaning, chasing kids, checking homework, and driving back and forth to swim lessons. (Insert bedtime, then repeat.) In fact my entire world revolves around my family. That’s pretty much the very definition of being a housewife, and I’m okay with that.
What I’m not okay with is the recent descent (read: freefall) my life has taken into the negative stereotypes of housewife-dom.  By that I mean that my current living situation has become eerily similar that old TV sitcom, “Roseanne.”  I am overweight and out of shape. My wardrobe is dismal, consisting of more yoga pants than jeans, dress pants, and dresses combined (and no, I DON’T do yoga). My attitude stinks. I’m bored all the time, and honestly, due to all of the above (plus a few more poor-me things I may share at a later date), I can honestly say I’m a little depressed.  I have good days and bad days, like anyone else, but sometimes it seems like the bad days seriously outweigh the good ones.  
Boy, don’t I sound like a barrel of fun?
Lucky for me, underneath the frump and gloom, deep down beneath the bad fashion and worse attitude, lays an optimist.  I know that I am in control of my situation, or at the very least that I can TAKE BACK control of it.  I know that I have the ability to change and that the tools for this change are out there. I just have to find them.  
And that’s what this blog is all about. I’m giving myself six months to work on me.  To get those tools and shed the frump, lose the weight, shake off the doldrums, and find not just the old me, but a new better version on me. Happier, healthier, and ready for anything. It won’t always be fun or pretty, but it will be real. 
I think Bette Davis said it best in this little clip …

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